teen activities – pre-marital surveillance

Teen Activities and Pre-Marital Surveillance

Teen and Young Adult Activities:

Do you know where your child or young adult is? Who are they spending their time with?
Our ever changing world has circumstances where the parents are in one country while the children and young adults are in another? This may be due to education opportunities, work circumstances or family, business or property situations. Call Golden West Investigative Group Ltd to arrange a time to discuss your needs. Our children are our biggest asset and we need to keep them safe and out of harms way.

Pre-Martial Surveillance:

When entering a partnership relationship (proposed marriage), there are times that one of the parties may be coming into the new marriage with considerably more assets than the other. It is becoming more common to have pre-nuptial agreements in such cases. It is also becoming more common for the party with the greater asset base to hire a firm like Golden West Investigative Group Ltd to conduct a thorough investigation and surveillance to make sure that everything is on the up and up before the marriage occurs. This may sound like a lack of trust but some people have enough assets to be an EASY MARK for a few unscrupulous people. It is sad.. but so true in today’s world of  wealthy entrepreneurs. If you are entering a new relationship, be sure you know who your other future half really is.

Please be advised that we do not accept matrimonial assignments unless the client has a solicitor first. If there is sufficient grounds to be simply getting the absolute truth, we would prefer to be working in conjunction with your lawyer with the same goals in mind. In the long run, it could save you a lot of money.

Private Investigators in British Columbia must be licensed and bonded to provide their services and as such are not in breach of  STALKING laws. Under the law, we have “lawful authority”.  Some exceptions can apply to this but a good Private Investigator will know what questions to ask their client before taking on the assignment so that the EXCEPTIONS” are not breached if they apply.

Please Note:

As of January 31, 2019,  after 38 years in the profession, GWIG LTD.  will no longer be conducting Investigations or Surveillance . All assignment request will be forwarded to long time associates to look after your needs. Thank you for your support over the last almost 4 decades.

We will still be active in Process Serving and GPS TRACKING but will be hanging up the PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS- Business License.