GOLDEN WEST DOCUMENT SERVICES LTD. Process Serving Rates for Law Firms

Our Process Servers are either Licensed Investigators or
Experience Process Servers.

We Accept: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX credit cards and your Firm Cheque.

Our terms are DUE UPON RECEIPT. Exceptions may be made based on communication prior to service.

NOTE: As of 2022- We are Not Accepting GENERAL PUBLIC Requests for Service. 

  • We are located on the Lower Mainland (Greater Vancouver-West Coast) of British Columbia, Canada. If your papers need to be served outside of our general area, we can forward them for you.

Documents can be served anywhere in the world….except Japan- Please ask for a quote.

How May We Be Of Service”

Law Firm Service Fee: (British Columbia)

Due to the rising gas prices and toll bridge rates, we have had to change our rate structure and add a fee for kilometers. Please read the rate structure below that will be in effect as of January 1 2023. These rates are subject change according to the price of gasoline.

Service Fees:

Service on 1 individuals (includes up to 3 attempts) $60.00
Additional parties (same time, same place) $25.00
Additional parties (different time or place) $60.00
Service on business or Address for Delivery $60.00
Additional action served at same time $25.00 per
Condominium buildings- add $20.00
Business: Service- Downtown- 1 attendance $50.00
Kilometre Charge: Km’s are charged from either the Vancouver or New West Court House (whichever is closer). Km’s are charged round trip for 3 attempts after which we will request instruction before making further attempts. $0.95 per km
Affidavit of Personal Service (1 page) includes Commissioner $35.00
Affidavit of Attempted Service (up to 3 pages) includes Commissioner $45.00
Notary seal (swear affidavit of personal service) if required- add $50.00 min.
Cell phone field reports (minimum charge) $4.00
Rush Fee (individuals – 7 day deadline) $35.00 per
Rush Fee (individuals – 5 day deadline) $40.00 per
Super Rush Fee (business – same day deadline) $45.00 per
Wait-time (Per 15 minutes-first 15 min FREE) $21.25
Field Locates (minimum charge) $50.00
In depth Locates – PLEASE ASK for rate(s)
Provide conduct money (minimum charge) $ 15.00 min
Mail return to client $ 10.00 min
Mail as per order $ 10.00 min

Other Additional  Fees and Surcharge that may be charged

We also accept Service Documents by e-mail. $.35 per page printed
Pick up of documents or delivery of affidavit east of North Surrey or Maple Ridge may incur an additional charge for the same $20.00 min.
Secured Building: Condominium or other $20.00 on time
Hospital Service: Service in a hospital can be very time consuming, especially if the party to be served is in a locked ward or the action is pertaining to a Committeeship Application.  $25.00
Justice Institutions: Guest of our legal institutions have the RIGHT to refuse service. The procedure to attempt service is – Attend and wait for a response, or, as with some, make an appointment to see the guest.  There is no guarantee service will be effected on the first attempt and an order may be required to place the documents in their private mail box  min additional fee: $ 45.00 per
Our Process Servers cover: Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, North and West Vancouver, Surrey, Pitt Meadows, Richmond, Delta, Maple Ridge, Fort Langley and White Rock, Mission and Abbotsford. Outside these areas, we have a WIDE NETWORK of Associates covering the rest of the Province and the balance of Canada. Outside of the lower mainland Services: A handling fee plus disbursements will apply should be we asked to forward to another process server / investigator closer to the point of service.-Please ask for a quote or see below for out of town surcharges.

Out of Town Services? We have associates throughout Canada that can act on our behalf. The above rates DO NOT apply as those associates have their own fee schedule. We will charge a handling fee in addition to their fee as it is our policy to look after associate accounts within 14 days and not rely on the clients payment schedule. This method maintains strong relationships with our associate and better service for all.  

Within B.C.- add $55.00 min                Alberta and East-  add $85.00 min

Our Process Servers are either Licensed Investigators or
Experience Process Servers.

“How May We Be Of Service”

You can, however, call and ask for the phone information for one of our experienced associates


NO PARTICULAR RESULT CAN BE GUARANTEED. If service cannot be effected, we may suggest an affidavit of attempted service. (add $45.00 per for this special affidavit)

Update: January  2025- subject to updates without notice. Please check back from time to time.