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How can we help with your Access Situation?

Child Custody:

If a break down of the marriage occurs, the most important parties of the marriage are the Children. Their well being and what is in their best interest is paramount. Sometimes there are circumstances that prevent the two adult parties  from agreeing on custody and access. This may have to do with one or more of  a number of lifestyle problems or other factors that have created this road block. A Private Investigator may be retained to conduct surveillance on the other parent to substantiate any allegations that are not in the best interest of the  children. This type of investigation can sometimes be difficult and costly. A good investigator will have numerous questions to ask you before taking on the assignment and  in 99% of the cases, it is done in conjunction with directions from your lawyer.

Custody Access Supervision:

A Private Investigator can be utilized to act as the supervisor when Access by one of the parents has been granted but under supervision. Not every investigator has the skills to effectively fill this role. At Golden West Investigative Group Ltd, we have qualified  investigators that know what is required as Custody Access Supervisor.

Access Hand-Over:

Our trained investigators are not always needed for the Access Supervision or Covert Access Monitoring. Unfortunately, there are times that the PARENTS just cannot be ADULTS when the children are changing hands for visitation.

In such scenarios, we can act as the intermediary and to drop off the children and pick them up after the visitation has been completed.

For more information on Access and the situations that can be avoided, read the posting pertaining to Access from JP Boyd’s “BC Family Law Resource” page.

For more information on how the Family Laws are changing in BC and Canada, look at: BC FAMILY LAW – RESOURCES – BLOG

As of January 31, 2019, all files for this area of investigation will be looked after by one of our associates. GWIG LTD will no longer be handing any Investigative or Surveillance files internally.